AskiaField 5.4
- Create an appointment from Find/Edit Contact
- Create an appointment at the the creation of the sample list
- 1 - Web Interviews management
- 2 - Two new DoPanel links
- 3 - Bounced mails
- 4 - Modify Interview
- 5 - New API authentication method : permanent token
- 6 - Enhancement to the Feedback module
- 7 - Monitoring API
- 8 - Restrictions
- 9 - Multi-lingual capabilities
- 10 - Added an Id Column in the management restrictions properties
- 11 - Harmonisation of result codes (CCA/Supervisor/API)
- 12 - Send next email
- 1.1 Allow Over Target
- 1.2 Appointments
- 1.3 Available time
- 1.4 Availability tab
- 1.5 Copy & paste
- 1.6 CAPI tab
- 1.7 Customize
- 1.8 Progress bars
- 1.9 Priorities
- 1.10 Questions
- 1.11 Ribbon
- 1.12 Sanity checks
- 1.13 Saving
- 1.14 Settings
- 1.15 Value behaviour
- 1.16 Web tab
- 1.17 Quota Monitor language
Global Changes
- 2.1 CATI To Web
- 2.2 Optional QES file management
- 2.3 Agent properties
- 2.4 Agent window: different agent icons
- 2.5 ID column on all views
- 2.6 Non modal pop-up windows
- 2.7 Call Information
- 2.8 Restriction properties window
- 2.9 Lists: schedules with time zones
- 2.10 Outbound group: start task for manual calls
- 2.11 Allow agents to be removed from all outbound activity
- 2.12 Audit on supervisor actions
- 2.13 List monitor
- 2.14 Survey feedback
- 2.15 Survey data anonymisation
- 2.16 Recordings
The whole quota management has been completely re-designed with the version 5.4. The quota engine has been rebuilt from the basement to the roof. Now you can have quotas on multiple closed question, on numerical question with dynamic ranges, create groups of items, etc.
One of the main visible change is the new Quotas windows. Now, there is only 1 single window to define, manage and monitor the quotas. And it contains more options.
On the Quota window, we have renamed the behaviour and the actions for more understandable labels.
5.3 Behaviour => 5.4 Allow overt target
5.3 Automatic => 5.4 Never
5.3 Semi Automatic => 5.4 Agent decides
5.3 Manual => 5.4 Survey routing
- Select multiple values (can be from different questions) and change the option for all the selected answers.
- Priorities:
- Never: Never go over the maximum target
- Agent decides: In some occasions the agent can decide to go over target
- Survey routing: Some routings can allow the interview to go over target.
- Appointments in quota: Included amount of appointments for quota
- Total number of appointments: The total amount of appointments for this survey on this line
The task properties option "Only include an appointment in quota when importance >= *" will include appointments in quota.
- Hovering over the available column will show you a clickable information icon. This will open an information window
- Available now: Contacts that are available at that very moment
- Available later: Contacts that will become available in the near future
- Over call back: Contacts that are over call back and will not be called (unless the call back options are changed)
- All call results can be seen here (but not the sub results).
The global overview of the available amount of contacts for each call result and each list for the survey.
Whole tree
- It is possible to Copy part of, or the whole quota tree and paste it in Excel / word or notepad
- It is not possible to paste the tree back in the quota window
Target Values
- It is possible to select an amount of values (from the same column) and copy them.
- It is possible to paste the values back in another column value
- Agents that are in a CAPI group linked to the survey are shown here.
- Each agent can have their own quota assigned for CAPI interviews
- If you want quotas by agent behaviour, you must give a specific target by agent to the main "Quota" node (first row). Otherwise that will be considered as Quotas by Survey.
Personal quota window customizer
- These settings are not global, they are only visible for the supervisor.
- Contacts available for web: Default checked. Show the amount of contacts available for web in the availability columns.
- Contacts available for telephony: Default checked. Show the amount of contacts available for telephony in the availability columns.
- The minimum target is shown as a fixed length bar with a black border.
- The maximum target is shown as a relative bar with a transparent border. (ex: Min = 10, Max = 35 -> maximum bar will be 3.5 times larger than the minimum bar.
- Completes are shown as a green % fill of the bars.
- Running interviews are shown as a blue % fill.
- Included appointments are shown as a red % fill
- Hovering over the progress bars will give a tooltip with info.
- Select multiple priority values (can be from different questions) and change the priority for all the selected answers.
- Works best for imported questions.
- Priorities:
- First: The system will try to reach this target first. On an import question, contacts with this answer will be called, others won't until the target is reached or there are no more contacts available for that answer.
- High: The system will give a higher priority for this contact. On import questions, contacts with this answer will have a higher chance to be called.
- Normal: Default value. The system will try to complete the quota tree on a balanced manner.
- Low: The system will give a lower priority for this contact. On import questions, contacts with this answer will have a lower chance to be called.
- Blocked: Contacts with this answer will not be called
The following question types can be used in a quota tree . . .
- Closed questions (only 1 answer per question):
- Import questions (question based on list info):
- Multi coded questions (multiple choice questions):
- Numeric questions (questions that are answered with a numeric value):
On the numeric question, you have the ability to add ranges: Right click on the numeric question > Add Range:
- Add question: Add a new quota line as a sub question to the selected line. (If another question is selected, the new question will be copied under all the answers from the selected question.)
- Add range: Add a range to a numeric question. This will look like: Range [min => max]. The minimum value is included in the range, the maximum value IS NOT.
- Edit range: Change the selected existing range.
- Add group: Add the selected answers to a new group. It is not yet possible to do this for multi coded questions. Group names can be changed.
- Delete: Delete the selected item - question, range or group.
- Allocate all: Evenly distribute the target value over the selected line(s).
- Allocate remaining: Evenly distribute the remaining target value over the selected line(s).
- Brokers: Add Agents (connected to a broker account) to the quota for follow up on their interviews.
- Count to percentages: Set the selected target to be controlled by the percentage value. If the main quota minimum value is changed, the percentage will stay the same and the count will be scaled according to the percentage.
- Percentages to counts: Set the selected target to be controlled by the count value. If the main quota minimum value is changed, the count will stay the same and the percentage will be scaled according to the count.
- Settings: An extra menu with options to change quota behaviour. Two options are greyed out because they are not implemented yet.
- List Monitor: Open the list monitor for the selected task.
- Appointments: Open the Appointment calendar for the selected task.
- Find/Edit contacts: Open the 'find/edit contacts' window for the selected task.
- Find calls: Open the find calls window for the selected task.
- Modify Interview: Open the modify interview window for the selected task.
- Visualize data: Open the visualize data window for the selected task.
- Properties: Open the task properties for the selected task.
- Skills: Open the 'Associate skills to responses' window for the selected task.
- Language: Choose a language for the answers if they are implemented during the survey design.
- Customize: An extra menu with visibility options.
- Expand all: Expand all the sub items under the selected item.
- Collapse all: Collapse all the sub items under the selected item.
- Focus: Focus on the selected line. All other questions / groups will be collapsed.
Each quota line will check a few conditions to prevent human errors. If there is an error present, there will be an icon active to warn the user. The user can go to the quota line with the error and click on the icon to see an explanation of what might be wrong.
- Min > Max
- Question or answer that does not exist (Should not happen but just in case something goes wrong)
- Sum of the minimums (for any parent and all parents together) > maximum on root line
- For items on the same level (example 2 questions below the root line) The minimum of question 1 is > the maximum of question 2
- Main / CAPI / Web
- Sum CAPI > Main
- Sum Web > Main
- Sum CAPI + Sum Web > Main
- If you add a question you will get a warning message and two buttons.
- Warning message: Runtime values will no longer be updated unless you click the save / revert button. NOTE: Saving the changes might temporarily reduce the system's performance.
- Save button: Save the new quota tree.
- Revert: Go back to the last SAVED state. This might do more than just undo your last action.
- There is an activity timer running while save warning is active. From the start of this message the supervisor has 30 minutes (which is the default, but can be changed in the CCA settings: Task – Surveys).
- Warning message: Another user is editing the quota structure. To prevent conflicts editing of the quota is disabled. A user will see this message if another user has the manual save warning.
Saving / AutoSaving the changed values.
- If you change any value, a small icon will appear on the line of the changed value. This save icon will remain there for 10 seconds after the last change. For example, change a value and the icon will appear. Wait 5 seconds and change a second value. Now you have to wait 10 seconds for the auto save to kick in.
- If you are in the 'Saving the Quota structure' state, the icon will appear after any value change. BUT it will only be saved when you click the save button (see previous topic).
- This has been introduced to remove the over-use of the save button clicking.
- When the auto save kicks in and there is a delay on the CCA connection you might receive a warning: Quota changes sent. Waiting for confirmation.
Closing the Quota window while the save warning is active.
- Yes: The quota tree will be saved.
- No: You will go back to the last SAVED state.
- Cancel or exit: Cancel this window and go back to the UNSAVED quota tree
Lock Timer
There is an activity timer running while save warning is active. From the start of this message the supervisor has 30 minutes (which is the default, but can be changed in the CCA settings: Task – Surveys). Every quota change will reset this timer. If there are no more changes and the quota is not saved, the timer will run out and you will be presented with a choice. At 75% of the timer a warning will be shown on screen.
- Extend the session (restart the timer and continue to edit the quota).
- Save and release (save the changes and release the lock).
- Discard and release (discard all changes since the lock request and release the lock – this is the default option that will be used when the timer will run out).
Cancel - closes the warning window. NOTE: this will trigger the default discard and release option when the timer expires).
Global quota settings for this survey only . . .
- When checking the quota during an interview, use the quota values:
- As they are at that moment: live quota updates during an interview (default).
- From the beginning of the session: keep the quota values from the beginning of an interview session and compare to those values even though there are value changes in the meantime. A session starts when the contact is called. Changing the quota tree will reset these values.
- From the start of the interview: keep the quota values from the beginning of an interview and compare to those values even though there are value changes in the meantime. The start of the interview is the very first time the interview is opened when the contact is called. Changing the quota tree will reset these values.
- Include running interviews when evaluating the target: (default: unchecked) Include the answers of running interviews in live quota. This will give a better visual idea of the interviews to do.
- Use single target: default is unchecked. Use a single target or min/max target. Going to single target from min/max target, might give a warning "Minimum and maximum targets do not match. Changing to single target is not allowed". This means there is a difference between the min and max target values. Be sure to validate that the values are the same AND the controlling value (bold value) are also the same for each column.
- Allow CATI agents to view quota: default is unchecked. Allow users to see the quota tree in the CATI window during an interview (call information).
- Min and Max target: the changed value will be set in bold.
- Grey values are calculated and cannot be directly edited.
- Min target: enter 0 or no value in the edit box and it will be seen as 0 or no minimum target.
- Max target: enter -1 or no value in the edit box and it will be seen as ∞ or infinity. The question Max target will also be ∞ (infinite).
- Select multiple value lines (within the same question) to change them all to the same new value.
- Count to percentages: set the selected target to be controlled by the percentage value. If the main quota minimum value is changed, the percentage will stay the same and the count will be scaled according to the percentage (e.g. Min target = 10, %= 50, count= 5 -> Change the min target to 20, %= 50, count= 10).
- Percentages to counts: Set the selected target to be controlled by the count value. If the main quota minimum value is changed, the count will stay the same and the percentage will be scaled according to the count (e.g. Min target = 10, %= 50, count= 5 -> Change the min target to 20, %= 25, count= 5).
- Each agent can have their own quota assigned for web interviews
- Add an agent to the web quota by using the 'brokers' ribbon button.
- Added agents need to have the 'broker' field filled in. Can be found on the agent properties.
- Note: These numbers are only for information. Web quotas are not allocated from the main quota tree.
More information here:
You are able to have the quota monitor in one of the languages defined in the survey. When your quota view is open, go to the ribbon menu > Quota tab > language and select the required language:
More information here:
Global changes
Mail the current interview to the contact if he/she prefers to complete it online.
- AskiaClient has a new button: 'send mail'
- Interview result will be: Appointment – CATI to web (with mail)
- Required:
- Task has to be on WebProd.
- Mailing options have to be filled in.
- Mail template has to be defined.
2.2 Optional QES file management
- QES files are no longer generated into the working directory when adding a survey to CCA/Supervisor. If you need it because you have AskiaVista plugged in on the same QES folder as your CCA, then you need to activate the CCA settings > Tasks > Surveys >Maintain QES file in working directory.
- If not activated, then importing / updating a survey will save the structure to the database and no longer to QES file.
- If not activated, then the working copy will generate a QES for export.
Activate / deactivate the membership in the agent properties window . . .
2.4 Agent Window: different agent icons
- New icons for agents and supervisors
- Agent window: real time interview status for agents.
- Active filter notice: a visible notice that a window has an active filter:
We have added the "ID" column in almost all supervisor windows. But you must select it to display it. Right click on the header of the window wanted > select the "ID"field:
2.6 Non modal pop-up windows
Find call – Find/edit contact popups have been made non modal . . .
Extra info for call details:
2.8 Restriction properties window
Modules tab: the tab to define which modules can be used for the opened restriction properties ("SupervisorFullAccess" in this case).
- Agent Modules (Modules that can be logged into with an agent restriction)
- AskiaFace (default)
- CATI (default)
- Kodim (default)
- Management modules (Modules that require a management restriction to login)
- CCAPortal (default)
- RecordingManagmentTool (default)
- Supervisor (default)
- Customer created module (see creating a module)
More information here:
2.9 Lists: Schedules with Time Zones
2.10 Outbound group: Start Task for Manual Calls
- Outbound group setting. Manual dial should trigger a new outbound task . . .
2.11 Allow agents to be removed from all outbound activity
- Option for an agent to remove himself from outbound duty. In some cases an agent can choose to remove himself from all outbound activity. This can be done by selecting a default 'none' group. This option can be granted by a restriction setting:
2.12 Audit on supervisor actions
New way of logging supervisor actions. A lot of user actions will be logged in: statistics database – Statistic_SupervisorActions. The data logged can be accessed in SQL server at first. Later this should be followed by API access and possible a view in Supervisor.
- Find / edit contact on all tabs: Option to use Find / Edit contact(s) on each call result in list monitor.
- Split up blanks: Renamed 'blanks' to 'Not called' or 'Not mailed' Split (for unused contacts only):
- Available
- Quotas Closed
- On DNC list
- Invalid Number
- Reserved for web
- Priority 0
- Option to provide feedback on web interviews. On task properties a new option with dropdown Allow feedback (CAWI only).
- This will activate/deactivate a new button, visible in the right bottom corner of web interviews that will send information about various problems encountered during the testing of the survey.
More information here: and here:
2.15 Survey Data Anonymisation
There is an option to have questions with sensitive information in interviews that supervisors cannot see or modify.
More information here:
Recordings are now transferred from CTA to CCA, into a customised path. You can also chose the time when your recordings are transferred. For this, go in CCA settings > CTArchitect > file Socket:
Recordings will be moved into folders created by year > month > day > hour.
The behaviour remains the same for Survey and Start recording routings (recordings renamed and moved to survey directory).
With the Agile development cycle, we implement features in a faster way. Here what is available in 5.4.6:
The management of web interviews (DoPanel and DoExternalPanel) has been reviewed and improved with these new features:
1-A/ Restart a completed interview
In 5.4.6, you have the ability to reset the "completed" state of a DoPanel or DoExternalPanel interview.
- Have a completed Interview
- Go to modify the specific interview
- Untick the 'Completed' checkbox
- The interview can be restarted on WEB by using the panel link
Now, your respondent can use the same link and can be restarted on WEB, from the beginning with all the registered answers.
1-B/ Start a web interview anywhere
It is possible to start an interview (new or already started) from any question. This feature is available on different places:
A - WEB ONLY: Contextual menu on survey> Web
On this contextual menu, you will be able to start a new or a test interview from any position.
Start Interview From... (or Test interview From...) will display the questionnaire tree:
Select your question then press "OK" and automatically an interview will be started on your browser at the position indicated:
On web side, it will generate a link with an extra parameter: &FromQuestion=[shortcut]
B - WEB ONLY: Contextual menu on DoPanel list > Find Edit contacts > Web
From the list, you have the ability to start an incomplete interview (DoPanel only), from any position:
Same as above: the question selection window will appear and let you select the question you want to start or restart the interview.
C - WEB and CATI: Contextual menu on "Modify Interview"
Select the option "Resume Web/CATI interview here" is available on the interview side. On this level, you can only set it on a question with data. Setting only a backward position is possible.
You can have two new keywords available (in addition of [ccaDoPanelLink]) in your mail template allowing you to use encrypted or "prettified" links. Check this article for the URL encrypting and "prettyfying" configuration.
For the record, [ccaDoPanelLink] keyword automatically generate a standard DoPanel link like this:
From 5.4.6, you can use:
[ccaDoPanelPrettyLink] that will generate a DoPanel link like this:
[ccaDoPanelEncryptedLink] that will generate a DoPanel link like this:
The bounced mail function has been improved with two new settings.
3-A/ customised settings for hard and soft bounced
In CCA settings > Lists, you can select the DSN results, separated by a semicolon, you want to set as hard bounced mail:
You can add or remove results codes from this default list.
Default hard bounced (DSN result):
5.1.x (address status)
5.2.1 (mailbox status - mailbox disabled)
5.3.3 (mail system status - system not capable of selected features)
5.3.4 (mail system status - message too big)
5.5.x (mail delivery protocol status)
5.6.x (message content or media status)
5.7.x (security status)
Default soft bounced (DSN result):
0.0.0 (no DSN detected)
5.0.x (other)
5.2.x (mailbox status)
Except for 5.2.1 (see above)
5.3.x (mail system status)
Except for 5.3.3 & 5.3.4 (see above)
5.4.x (network or routing status)
3-B/ Retry Attempts
You have the ability, on general bounced settings or on sample list customised bounced settings, to set one or more attempts to retry to send an email that was classified as a soft bounced mail the first time. For this, just enter an hour when clicking on < Click to add an attempt...> at the bottom of the bounced settings dialog:
As indicated, the system will re-send the email classified as soft bounced for the number of attempts set, whilst delaying for the number of hours set since the original email was sent.
There are some new features in the modify Interviews window > Select visible questions.
4-A/ Selection by type of questions:
Three icons allow you to select the type of question you want to check/modify:
: Select all closed questions (single and multiple) from the survey.
: Select all open-ended questions from the survey.
Select all numeric questions from the survey.
4-B/ Library of selection of questions:
You have the ability to save a selection of questions you want to check and use later, each time you need to check interviews.
For this, once your selection is done (questions you want to check on right panel of the selection window), just click on the save icon and select the path where you want to store your file.
That will create a txt file that will contain the shortcut of the questions you need to check on a regular basis:
That also means you're allowed to prepare the verification file before the fieldwork by adding the shortcuts of the wanted questions. And, obviously, you can share this file with other supervisors.
Once your file is created, you only need to open it from the "select visible questions" window and your selection of questions will be automatically set.
5 - New API authentication method : permanent token
Instead of logging into the API via login + password + module, we have added a token generation feature to let you fine-tune access control.
- First, from the Modules view, "allow permanent tokens" to the modules you wish which module should benefit from that feature.
- Then, navigate to the Authentication Tokens view and click "Add"
- Put in a description for the token and select the "Agent". Logging in with that token will then be equivalent to logging in with that user's credentials. The user will benefit from the same restrictions, regardless of their authentication method.
- Select the module to which this token will grant access to.
- Make sure you set an expiration date if needed. Once this date is expired, access will be revoked.
- You can then read and use the token contained in the first column.
6 - Enhancement to the Feedback module
You can now add an email address when reporting with the feedback module, thus allowing the survey scripter to contact the person filing the feedback when the issue is corrected.
- The Email address is not mandatory.
- A new field is created in the database: EmailAddress.
There is now a simple way to view the status of the CCA (also if it is running as a service) through a monitoring API.
Monitoring format: Ip:Port/Command. (Example: Please note the command name is case sensitive. So "process" will not work while "Process" will.
Possible commands:
Information about the CCA process that is currently running.
Modules :
Information about the current dll uses.
Modules/Process.exe (example: Cca.exe) :
Information about the process.exe.
Threads?timeout_idle=0 :
Information about the current idle threads in CCA.
Info :
A list of general settings that could be useful.
A CCA setting has been added to provide the port and possibility to access this information from another machine.
(Default setting: can only be accessed from localhost)
- This monitoring tool does not use a login so it can be easily accessed if something is wrong.
- The commands are case sensitive.
- This feature is part of a bigger wish-list item.
New restrictions have been added to restrict the creation / change and deletion of speech jobs and keyword groups.
9 - Multi-lingual capabilities
Tasks will now have a default language option. This language will be used as an indicator for the speech service.
- Survey: The settings can be found in Askia Design / Edit (Toolbar) / Languages.
- CTScript: The language can be found in CTDesign / Multi-language.
- VBScript: The language can be set in the CCA/Supervisor task properties.
10 - Added an Id Column in the management restrictions properties
11 - Harmonisation of result codes (CCA/Supervisor/API)
- The same result codes (error codes) are used in CCA/Supervisor/API.
- For the CCAWebAPI, if the StatusCode has no success, the response will be listed as below.
- The 'Error' token is most of the time empty, but can also contain information about the specific error that occurred.
"Request": {
"Method": "GET",
"Url": "http://localhost/CcaWebApi/agents"
"Version": "",
"StatusCode": 401,
"Response": {
"ResultCode": 102,
"Error": ""
- This is the list of new result codes:
Description | Code |
Success | 0 |
Pending | 1 |
SuccessListRunning | 3 |
Failed | 100 |
UnknownError | 101 |
UnknownToken | 102 |
UnknownObject | 103 |
ObjectNotReady | 104 |
ObjectInUse | 105 |
DatabaseError | 106 |
InvalidXml | 107 |
AlreadyLoggedIn | 108 |
AlreadyExists | 109 |
IncompatibleData | 110 |
AccessDenied | 111 |
NotAllowed | 112 |
BadCrc | 113 |
InvalidArgs | 114 |
InvalidOperation | 115 |
OperationAborted | 116 |
NoDataAvailable | 117 |
NoCTArchitect | 118 |
NoSpeechService | 119 |
NoAgentMonitoringService | 120 |
AgentNotReachable | 121 |
NoLicense | 122 |
FileNotFound | 123 |
TaskNoDefaultWorkingDir | 200 |
TaskReloadTemporaryBlocked | 201 |
SurveyUnknownQuestion | 202 |
SurveyUnknownResource | 203 |
SurveyWebConnectionOffline | 204 |
SurveyUpdateFailed | 205 |
TaskUpdateCompatibilityWarnings | 206 |
WebProdInternalError | 290 |
WebProdSurveyAlreadyOnline | 291 |
WebProdInvalidName | 292 |
WebProdDuplicateName | 293 |
WebProdNoFreePosition | 294 |
WebProdUnknownSurvey | 295 |
ListTargetNotCompatible | 300 |
ReportInvalidFieldtype | 401 |
ReportInvalidFilter | 402 |
ReportErrorRetrievingFile | 403 |
ReportInvalidFormula | 404 |
ReportAbortedBySystem | 405 |
ReportErrorRetrievingDatabaseName | 406 |
ReportConnectionFailed | 407 |
ReportEngineError | 408 |
LockTimeout | 501 |
AlreadyLocked | 502 |
NotLocked | 503 |
UpdateFailedNameAlreadyUsed | 601 |
UpdateFailedNTAccountAlreadyUsed | 602 |
UpdateFailedInternalNumberAlreadyUsed | 603 |
UpdateFailedDIDAlreadyUsed | 604 |
ListenInCallAnswered | 700 |
ListenInRinging | 701 |
ListenInNoRing | 702 |
ListenInBusy | 703 |
ListenInNoAnswer | 704 |
ListenInNoFreeChannel | 705 |
ListenInNetworkProblem | 706 |
ListenInLocationNotFound | 707 |
ListenInNoAgentFound | 708 |
ListenInPickUpTelephone | 710 |
ListenInNoActiveCallFound | 711 |
ListenInNoActiveConversationFound | 712 |
ListenInTapiError | 713 |
ListenInActiveConversationInConference | 714 |
ListenInCallEnd | 715 |
QuotaNotReceived | 801 |
QuotaQuestionNotFound | 802 |
QuotaResponseNotFound | 803 |
QuotaTokenNotFound | 804 |
QuotaAgentNotFound | 805 |
QuotaBrokerNotFound | 806 |
QuotaQuestionNotAllowed | 807 |
QuotaInvalidToken | 808 |
QuotaLockFailed | 810 |
QuotaAvailabilityGetFailed | 811 |
QuotaSetFaceAllocationForQuestionNotAllowed | 812 |
QuotaSetWebAllocationForQuestionNotAllowed | 813 |
ManualDialRinging | 901 |
ManualDialNoRing | 902 |
ManualDialBusy | 903 |
ManualDialNoAnswer | 904 |
ManualDialNoFreeChannel | 905 |
ManualDialNetworkProblem | 906 |
ManualDialTapiError | 907 |
ManualDialAgentDisconnectedBeforeConnection | 908 |
ManualDialAgentNotLoggedIn | 909 |
ManualDialAgentInCall | 910 |
ManualDialNoVoiceResources | 911 |
ManualDialWrongNumber | 912 |
ManualDialMaxNumberOfCallsExceeded | 913 |
NoCcaConnection | 10000 |
CacheLoading | 10001 |
CcaTimeout | 10002 |
On find/edit contact menu, we have added the ability to send the next email for a specific contact or a group of contacts. This allows you:
- To send an invitation email for a selected contact (if no invitation email has been previously sent)
- To send a reminder email for a selected contact (if the invitation or reminder have been previously sent)
To achieve this, open the find/edit contact dialog, select your wanted contact > right click > Web > Send Next email.
1/ Appointments features
In 5.4.7 you have the ability to create appointment from scratch in two ways:
From this window > Select your contact > Right Click > Edit Appointment.
That will prompt an appointment properties window, where you can fill in relevant information for Agent, DateTime, Importance and any message:
This appointment creation is only available for all (non-completed) contacts in find/edit contact. This includes appointments for unused contacts or contacts for which the last call result was not 'appointment'.
- Regular callback options still apply (over callback won't be called, priority 0 won't be called, etc). When changing such a manual appointment, the callback script will be re-evaluated.
- Regular quota behaviour still applies. Manual appointments will be counted in quota depending on their priority, etc.
- These appointments will be displayed in all appointment dialogs as usual.
- These manual appointments can be deleted as well. Important: if you create a manual appointment and delete it again, the contact will still be considered as having had an appointment. This means it will have a higher priority and will have reduced callback times, etc.
1B - At the creation of the sample list
When creating a new sample list (from external database only), you can also create appointments from sample list fields. For this, you need, on your external database side, four fields that will be used to create the appointment:
A/ A field (DateTime format) where you will set the date and time of the appointment. This field must be in datetime format (Access/Excel or SQL). The time must be set
B/ A field (numerical format) where you can set the AgentID if you wan to attribute an appointment for a specific agent.
C/ a field (Nvarchar/ text - limit at 1024 characters) where you can set a specific message.
D/ a field (numerical format) where you can set the importance of the appointment (from 0 to 5).
The 3 last fields (B-C-D) are not mandatory for the creation of the appointment.
When creating your sample list from an external database, you have four new fields to select in the external data details window:
Multiple Database connections allowed
With the 5.4.8 you can specify, for confidentiality purposes, specific SQL databases on a Survey, List or CTscript level.
Previous database connection strings have been moved from the "CCA Settings" to a specific option on the supervisor ribbon > Extra >Database Connections.
You need to edit some supervisor restrictions if you want to allow a supervisor to edit it.
Once you have access to it, then you can visualise this window:
From this window, you have the ability to add extra connection strings for Surveys, CTScript and Lists. For this click on the Add... button and select the type of connection string you want to add:
On the Database connection properties, enter a name for the connection and enter the connection string to the new SQL database you want to connect to:
Once information entered, click on "Test" button to test the connection string:
Then press OK to save the new connection string. It is now available on the database connections window:
And this new connection string is available when initialising a new survey, in the "interview storage" drop down menu:
The same applies for the list properties:
Survey Data Encryption
For the full details, please refer to this article:
1 - The master encryption key
That's the critical point here. You should never lost or delete this key. So, once the 5.4.8 is installed on your system, please make multiple backups of this key. Without it, all data encrypted while using this key will be forever lost.
By default, the key is set at the root of the CCA folder on the CCA server. You can check the path to it in CCA settings (if your supervisor restriction allowed you to see the CCA settings window):
At each CCA update/Upgrade, the cca.key will be part of the backup process.
2 - Encryption settings
The main rule is that every anonymised question (in design) will be automatically encrypted. That's why there is only two types of encryption in Task properties > Data Encryption drop down menu.
A/ Anonymised questions (except quota questions)
Only questions set as "Anonymise the data" in Design will be encrypted into SQL databases:
Data will be stored into a specific column in AskiaXXXInterview table, and cannot be read:
If the anonymised question is set in quota, then it will be decrypted. You will get a warning on the quota monitor side:
Here, the questionID 5, set as anonymised data, has been added into quota monitor. Data for this question has been decrypted:
B/ All Questions (except quota questions)
This is the second option of the drop down menu for Data Encryption in Task properties:
Here, all questions but quota questions will be encrypted (anonymised or not).
Please note that settings can be changed on the fly. For example, if you set the setting from "all questions" to "anonymised questions", you will get your data back cleared:
When a survey is exported, data will be decrypted.
We have continued the developments, started with 5.4.8, for the GDPR compliance. With 5.4.9, all your survey and list data can be encrypted on SQL Server side.
Copy-paste quotas across surveys
It is now possible to copy a quota cell entirely in an existing quota definition, and paste is back to a different survey. This is particularly useful for tracker surveys.
You need to select the Main node "Quota" on the Source survey > Right click > Copy:
And, on the target survey, select the main node "Quota" > right click > paste:
If some quota questions from the source are no longer present in the target survey, then you will be warned:
It will prompt the selection question window where you can select another question, or cancel. In this case, the quota tree will be imported without the source question and with no question to replace it.
A new setting has been added to the Task properties > Callback tab: Call % unused contacts:
This setting allows you to always have a certain percentage of fresh contacts among all callbacks.
Here how it works:
- Each time a call is made, the system will verify how many of the last 10 calls were for an unused contact.
- If there are less than the number configured, an unused contact will be used if:
- There are no contacts where ‘call now’ is enabled.
- There are no appointments available.
- There are unused contacts available within quota.
- The system will use a ‘sliding window’ of 10 calls to calculate the percentage of unused contacts, and compare this to the configured value.
So all calls before the last 10 calls are ignored. - This setting does NOT override quotas or skills – it only makes sure unused contacts will be used first if they are available.
- Setting the value to 0 will have no effect.
To protect sensitive data from being read in SQL Server directly (either by a DBA or in the case of a security breach), sensitive data should be encrypted in database.
On every list field, a user will be able to configure whether a field is encrypted or not:
The data will be encrypted the same way survey data is encrypted. Please refer to this article.
As result, encrypted data will appear like this in SQL table:
Some notes:
- A different encryption key will be used per field.
- This encryption key will be stored in the ListsFields table, encrypted the same way as survey data encryption keys (using the master encryption key).
- It will be possible to retrieve the encryption keys using the API.
- If a field is encrypted, using that field in a "Find Contact" through the API will be limited: The field will only be allowed in a top-level AND/NOT condition.
Using the field in a find contact through CCA, Supervisor or CATI will not be impacted (because only top-level conditions are used).
Also note the performance will be worse for "Find Contact" with a condition on an encrypted field. - Encrypted data will be decrypted when exporting the list to LST.
- If a field is encrypted it won’t be available for quota – so the list will be considered ‘not compatible’ if a quota question has an import for an encrypted list field.
- The external unique ID field cannot be encrypted.
In the general settings, there is a new setting (quite self-explanatory) to indicate the default encryption for new lists:
By default, the setting is set on "None".
Special considerations for do-not-contact lists:
- We check if a contact’s phone or email address is on a DNC list by comparing the fields on SQL Server.
- If field are encrypted, it is impossible to compare them on SQL Server.
Comparing them on CCA (after decrypting) is not feasible, because we’d have compare potentially millions of records – that would be very slow.
- Solution: use hashes to compare the data
- For all fields used in DNC lists (phone, email, derivation) an additional hash will be calculated in a separate field (AskListXXX.<fieldname>_hash).
- This hash will be the same for identical values.
- When checking DNC lists, the hashes will be compared.
To handle hash collisions, CCA will check them ‘manually’ by decrypting the data for all matches with an equal hash.
So, what's new in 5.4.10? Mainly 3 new features:
We continue to log more and more information about all actions a supervisor can make. With 5.4.10, you're able to see when, who and how a quota tree has been modified.
As usual, the information is stored in Statistics.Statistic_SupervisorActions table, along with SupervisorID and TimeUTC (for an explanation about codes used in this table, please refer to this article: ) where Action=217:
Now you have the ability to focus on a task from almost any object: Survey (as usual), List, Agent, Group, calls and Web connections:
This option is present on the Right click contextual menu on Tasks, Agents, Sample Lists, Calls, Web Connections and Groups windows, and also on the supervisor ribbon, in View mode.
API call to get interview data in XML
Usability: This feature is only relevant to developers using the API
Impacted software: CCA, CCAAPI, CCAWebAPI
Following functions have been added in the CCAWebAPI:
- POST /SurveyTasks/{id}/FindInterviews
- The reply will be a requestId to track this request.
- GET /SurveyTasks/{id}/FindInterviews/{requestId}/Status
- The reply will be the percentage of the request which is currently completed.
- GET /SurveyTasks/{id}/FindInterviews/{requestId}
- The reply will be a JSON object with the interview IDs.
- GET /SurveyTasks/{id}/Interview/{interviewId}?format={format}
- The reply will be a dataToken, which can be retrieved using the files controller.
Events have been added as well:
- InterviewEnded:
- Triggers if a running interview session ends on CATI, Face or Web
- The event data is the interview ID
- InterviewCompleted:
- Triggers if a completed interview arrives from CATI, Face or Web
- The event data is the interview ID
- InterviewUpdated:
- Triggers if an interview is added or updated by any source (CATI, Face, Web, Supervisor or API)
- The event data is the interview ID
- TaskContentUpdated
- Triggers if the task content is updated
- No event data is included
The event handling and registration works in the same was as the survey 'Feedback' events.