What's New in AskiaField 5.4.10?
If you're skipping a few versions, please don't forget to read the various "What's New" pages:
So, what's new in 5.4.10? Mainly three new features:
Auditing on quota updates
We continue to log more and more information about all actions a supervisor can make. With 5.4.10, you're able to see when, who and how a quota tree has been modified.
As usual, the information is stored in Statistics.Statistic_SupervisorActions table, along with SupervisorID and TimeUTC (for an explanation about codes used in this table, please refer to this article: https://support.askia.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005118785-AskiaField-Statistic-SupervisorActions-table ) where Action=217:
Focus on Task improvement
Now you have the ability to make a focus on task from almost any object: Survey (as usual), List, Agent, Group, calls and Web connections:
This option is present on the Right click contextual menu on Tasks, Agents, Sample Lists, Calls, Web Connections and Groups windows, and also on the supervisor ribbon, in View mode.
API call to get interview data in XML
Usability: This feature is only relevant to developers using the API
Impacted software: CCA, CCAAPI, CCAWebAPI
Following functions have been added in the CCAWebAPI:
- POST /SurveyTasks/{id}/FindInterviews
- The reply will be a requestId to track this request
- GET /SurveyTasks/{id}/FindInterviews/{requestId}/Status
- The reply will be the percentage of the request which is currently completed
- GET /SurveyTasks/{id}/FindInterviews/{requestId}
- The reply will be a JSON object with the interview IDs
- GET /SurveyTasks/{id}/Interview/{interviewId}?format={format}
- The reply will be a dataToken, which can be retrieved using the files controller
Events have been added as well:
- InterviewEnded:
- Triggers if a running interview session ends on CATI, Face or Web
- The event data is the interview ID
- InterviewCompleted:
- Triggers if a completed interview arrives from CATI, Face or Web
- The event data is the interview ID
- InterviewUpdated:
- Triggers if an interview is added or updated by any source (CATI, Face, Web, Supervisor or API)
- The event data is the interview ID
- TaskContentUpdated
- Triggers if the task content is updated
- No event data is included
The event handling and registration works identical as the survey 'Feedback' Events.