AskiaTools 5.4
AskiaTools 5.4.9
Open live survey
You can now open a live survey directly from Tools (File > Open live survey . . .) to run edits, export data etc.
You can also open a live survey using a command line (see example here).
Note: In order to use this option, you need to create an Analyse module in Supervisor. Then in the Supervisor's restrictions allow this new module.
Preserve the shortcuts case in SAV format
We've added a new option to preserve case of variable names when running a SAV export.
Extra options for naming columns in delimited ASCII export
We have added new options to name the column in an ASCII Delimited export.
You can now use the question long / short caption or shortcut as column headers.
Dialog to see information about a question in tools
Simply double click on a question in the tree to get a summary of a question - responses, type, captions.
Run verification scripts through command line
We have added the possibility of running verification scripts through the command line using the parameter /runverification (see example here).
Create new data column on-the-fly in delimited
Create new data column on-the-fly in delimited ascii export which can access data from questions or individual responses conditionally by script.
You can add as many columns as you wish using the following syntax:
Tool.exe C:\Qes\MyQes.qes /exportdelimited /completes /sepquestion:; /sepresponse:, /datafile:"C:\MyDirectory\MyExport.txt" /questions:^i2_Age^ /addcolumn:"Male:^i1_Gender^ has {1}" /addcolumn:"Female:^i1_Gender^ has {2}"
New parameters : /excludedquestions /regex /excluderegex
We have improved the selection of questions for command line exports.
/excludequestions offers the possibility to select questions you don't want in your data export.
In the example below, all questions are exported except Q1, Q2 and Q3:
Tools.exe "C:\my directory\My Qes File.qes" /exportsav /datafile:"C:\my directory\Output.sav" /excludequestions:"Q1;Q2;Q3"
/regex allows you to select questions based on regular expression.
For example, to export all questions starting by "Q" followed by a number you will use this syntax.
Tools.exe "C:\my directory\My Qes File.qes" /exportsav /datafile:"C:\my directory\Output.sav" /regex:"Q[0-9]+"
/excluderegex offers the possibility to select questions you don't want in your data export based on a regular expression.
In the example below, all questions are exported except those starting with a "Q" followed by a number.
Tools.exe "C:\my directory\My Qes File.qes" /exportsav /datafile:"C:\my directory\Output.sav" /excluderegex:"Q[0-9]+"
More information available here . . .
e:"c:\Qes\res.txt" questions:Age /addcolumn:"Male:Gender has 1" /addcolumn:"Female:Gender has 2"~~~
New import: Excel
We have added a brand new import using xlsgen which lets you import all Excel files - it solves a few problems:
- The fact that all rows are read to determine the type of a question.
- Unicode data is read properly.
- No limitation of 255 columns.
This import can also be used to import CSV or TXT files.
Parameter /questions supported with .SAV export
You can now use the parameter/questions in a command line to select which variables you want to export in SAV format.
Tools.exe "C:\my directory\My Qes File.qes" /exportsav /questions:"Q1;Q2;Q3" /datafile:"C:\my directory\Output.sav".