Restrictions and Modules
Big changes have been made on restriction features, starting with 5.4.3. We also brought in a new feature named "Module", mainly for the management of our Field API.
In previous versions, restrictions worked broadly like this:
- All users are allowed to log in with CATI, AskiaFace, Kodim, etc.
- Users can only log in with Supervisor if 'allow supervisor module' is enabled. If this is the case, you could configure permissions per CCA object.
- To be able to use the API, users need to have both 'allow Supervisor' and 'allow API login' enabled.
This had the following drawbacks:
- It was impossible to prevent logging in on client applications.
- If a user needed API access, they also had Supervisor access
- It wasn't possible to differentiate API logins.
Because of this the new Modules feature has been introduced and allows:
- Changes in the Restriction Properties window.
- The creation and use of custom modules.
Modules tab
To check which module can be used within a specific restriction, first open the Restriction Properties menu. You can see a new tab, named "Modules" (along with "Agent" and "Management" tabs).
- Agent Modules (modules that can be logged into with an agent restriction):
- AskiaFace (for AskiaFace Windows and tablets - default)
- CATI (default)
- Kodim (default)
- Management modules (modules that require a management restriction to login):
- CCAPortal (default)
- RecordingManagmentTool (default)
- Supervisor (Default)
- Custom created module (see creating a module)
Tick or untick to allow or disallow the usage of a specific module for this restriction.
Agent tab
The "Agent" tab is now a combination of the CATI / CAPI / Coding and pause restrictions:
Management tab
- The old Supervisor restrictions have moved to the Management tab, now useable for all management modules.
- 'Supervisor only' options are grouped.
- "Enable FTP Functionality" has been renamed.
Module creation
You may need to create a new API module.
- A management restriction can prevent actions in this window
- When logging in using the API, you'll need to specify the module.
- Future dashboards or applications will receive a hardcoded module name that can be linked here. For this you will need to create a new module with the hardcoded name.
To create a new module, go to Ribbon > Extra > Modules:
Add a new module:
- With a unique name different from the default names.
- "Allow multiple sessions per user".