ADXStudio - Create your own ADC or ADP
What is it?
ADXStudio is an IDE for people who want to create Askia Design Controls (ADCs) or Askia Design Pages (ADPs). This application can support AskiaScript / JavaScript / HTML / CSS and more.
ADXStudio was built with Electron; this application is based on NodeJS. Furthermore, we have included CodeMirror (already used in AskiaDesign and AskiaVista) to get a complete text editor with syntax highlighting and auto-completion.
Via Installer
Download the latest release archive.
- After downloading the release, unzip
- Run the ADXStudio Setup 1.0.0.exe executable as administrator.
- Try to create your ADC or ADP using one of the template, or create a new Project.
Note: do not tamper with any other components of ADXStudio Setup 1.0.0.exe folder.
Clone the repository (via HTTPS, SSH or simply download the repository as a .ZIP archive).
Install NodeJS.
Open Powershell as an Administrator and browse to the local ADXStudio repository. There, run the following commands:
npm install
electron app/main.js
"A little bit of ADXStudio"
Check the GitHub wiki documentation for more in-depth assistance creating ADCs or ADPs.
The Treeview:
It’s the left part of the app in which you can see your project . . .
New Project:
In the Menu bar (at the top of the application window): go to “File” and click on “New Project” to generate and open a new ADC or ADP Structure.
The Workspace part of the application is the panel located on the right of the window. You can edit your text inside with syntax colouring and autocompletion for ASKIASCRIPT / JAVASCRIPT / HTML / CSS / MARKDOWN, etc.
Project Settings:
The project Settings view allows you to see and define the settings of your current project (author, project name, …) and is accessible through File menu -> Projects settings.
Preview + Properties Grid + Theme:
The preview can be accessed from the “Tools” menu item. Click Preview when your ADC or ADP project is open to trigger a preview of your currently opened ADC or ADP. The properties and theme Grid, visible at the bottom of the preview, let’s you change the properties of your control and the theme values and preview the result.
Build your Askia Design Control:
Finally, to build your ADC control -> select “Build” from the Tools menu. ADXStudio will create the ADC or ADP file in the bin folder of your project.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Can we import our current developed ADC/ADP in this tool and do further changes in the ADC/ADP?
Yes, you can open existing ADC/ADP and work with ADXStudio. Please note: when you build ADC from the ADXStudio, it will generate the ADC file. This file is compatible with Design 5.3.5 directly, but if you use version 5.3.3 or 5.3.4 then you will need to unzip the ADC and re-zip it. It's something that's been fixed in Design 5.3.5.
Q2: Can we start using ADP in the survey?
Yes, for the ADP, it's compatible since Design 5.4.6 and only for web surveys for the moment.
Q3: Can we use old ADC with ADP?
Yes but we strongly advise you to update your ADC's to take into account the new live routings and the theme properties.
Please keep in mind, custom ADCs and ADPs, created using ADXStudio, are not subject to standard support. If you need help creating or fixing your custom ADCs then this would be a chargeable consulting task.
That being said, we're all very excited to hear about our users using it.
If there's anything we've missing in this article, or you still have further questions, please see the related article with further ADXStudio content.